Research by the marketing and web development agency revealed 65 percent admitted using sites like Facebook and Twitter takes up most of their spare time each day, while 54 percent claimed it was watching TV. For older age groups, TV remained as popular with half of 25 to 34 year olds saying they prefer watching TV and the same amount spend most of their time on social media sites, while just under a third (32 percent) of over 55s spend most of their spare time using Facebook and Twitter. Furthermore, social media is more popular than watching TV with girls. Two in five of 16 to 24s also said they use social media sites at the same time as watching TV while six percent of all those surveyed in the same age bracket spend more than eight hours a day on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. “The social media revolution is not new, but for it to now take over from the nation’s favourite pastime for the younger audience, truly indicates how quickly leisure habits are evolving in our digital age,” said managing director of Click Consult, Matt Bullas. “We’re not saying this is the death of TV, but we envisage seeing more multimedia opportunities being developed in partnership with TV to encourage cyber conversation. We’re already seeing Twitter feeds and hashtags regularly posted onto TV screens of our favourite shows and this will only get more integrated.”

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