Let us start by saying this desktop charger is a vast improvement over the previous model we saw from Lumsing, ditching the meaningless output legends and that weird thing where the LED continues to glow after you’ve unplugged it from the mains. It’s smaller, lighter, and includes much better charging tech. This is a small black plastic box just 92x58x28mm and 146g (without the cable), making it a touch smaller and lighter than the Zendure. Its design is more angular, with each of the four sides loped off rather than curved. Which design you prefer is very much a personal choice, but what’s important is the tech itself. Also see: Best power banks 2015/2016. Both Lumsing and Zendure feature five USB outputs that you can use to attach up to five phones, tablets, cameras, power banks or other devices that charge over USB. By charging all five from a single mains outlet, you will free up additional power outlets around your home. Alternatively, if you’re going away you need pack only one box and five cables, rather than five USB chargers.  As with the Zendure, the Lumsing’s maximum output is 40W, or 8W per port when all five are in use. However it, too, supports intelligent technology that recognises your device type and delivers the optimum amount of power. Also see:  How to improve smartphone battery life. Many USB chargers bundled with smartphones are rated at 5W, while tablet chargers are typically 10W. With five connected devices this Lumsing falls somewhere in between. What it lacks is support for Qualcomm Quick Charge, seen in desktop chargers from the likes of Choetech and Aukey, which support the significantly faster charging enabled by Qualcomm Snapdragon processors in devices such as the HTC One M9, LG G4 and other flagship phones and tablets. Read next:  How to charge your phone or tablet faster. Follow Marie Brewis on Twitter. Marie is Editor in Chief of Tech Advisor and Macworld. A Journalism graduate from the London College of Printing, she’s worked in tech media for more than 17 years, managing our English language, French and Spanish consumer editorial teams and leading on content strategy through Foundry’s transition from print, to digital, to online - and beyond.

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